
Following the Unix Philosophyopen in new window, TestBench is designed to cooperate with the surrounding operating system, leveraging tools that are already part of the operating system, rather than maintaining duplicate implementations as part of the TestBench code.

These recipes offer TestBench users the benefit of features commonly found in most test frameworks, while reinforcing the learning and use of tools that have always been at their fingertips.

Run All Tests in a Directory

The bench executable can run all tests in a single directory. If TestBench is installed globally, invoke bench directly in your shell:

> bench test/automated/some_directory/

In cases where gems are installed locally within a project, the bench executable must be run from wherever the project installs executable files for gems. For instance:

> ./gems/bin/bench test/automated/some_directory

Use TestBench Without Monkey Patching

Activating TestBench makes the core DSL available in test files.

To use TestBench without activating it, wrap test code in an outer TestBench.context block.

TestBench.context "Example Context" do
  test "Pass" do

Alternatively, the test code can be wrapped in a TestBench.evaluate block.

TestBench.evaluate do
  context "Example Context" do
    test "Pass" do

TestBench never modifies Ruby's Object class. It modifies Ruby's main object, which is Ruby's script runner. The effect of activating TestBench is the addition of the methods context, test, assert, refute, assert_raises, refute_raises, and comment, to the main object.

The main object is just the runner object within which Ruby executes script files. Adding TestBench's rather small API to the runner is extremely unlikely to cause the problems experienced when test frameworks presume to modify Object, BasicObject, or Kernel, which causes sweeping changes to the entire Ruby environment and all the classes and objects within it.

Randomize Test Execution Order

TestBench executes test files as they are loaded. The load order, and thus the execution order, is Ruby's decision to make. However, your operating system already has facilities for changing the order of execution.

The bench executable can execute file names fed in through a pipe, as any good Unix program should. Combining find, shuf, and bench randomizes the execution order.

# Linux
> find test/automated -name '*.rb' | shuf | bench

> find test/automated -name '*.rb' | gshuf | bench

The find command line utility scans the test directory for test files and prints them to the standard output device, stdout. That list of files is then piped to the shuf command, which randomizes, or shuffles, the order of the text piped into it.

The shuf utility is part of the standard coreutilsopen in new window package.

Mac OS users can install coreutils via Homebrewopen in new window (or any other package manager that provides a coreutils distribution). On Mac OS, the shuf command is called gshuf.

Parallel Test Execution

TestBench's runner doesn't execute tests in parallel. As with randomized execution order, parallelization is a responsibility that belongs to the operating system, and that the operating system already provides.

The bench executable can execute file names fed in through a pipe, as any good Unix program should. Combining find, awk, and bench executes subsets of test files in parallel:

# Run one half of the test files under test/automated
> find test/automated -name '*.rb' | awk 'NR % 2 == 0' | bench

# Run the other half of the test files under test/automated
> find test/automated -name '*.rb' | awk 'NR % 2 == 1' | bench

Parallel test execution is achieved by running multiple test runners in separate native operating system processes, and feeding each runner with a different subset of test files.

The find command line utility scans the test directory for test files and prints them to the standard output device, stdout. The awk command then splits list of files into subsets. Finally, the bench command executes the files names fed in through the pipe.

The above examples need to be run in separate terminal windows. A single shell script could run them in the background, and then wait for each segment to finish:


find test/automated -name '*.rb' | awk 'NR % 2 == 0' | bench &

find test/automated -name '*.rb' | awk 'NR % 2 == 1' | bench &


Register a Telemetry Sink

TestBench sessions publish telemetry. TestBench's own output is just a telemetry subscriber, or sink. A handler is a kind of sink that can handle telemetry events with special handler methods:

class SomeTelemetryHandler
  include TestBench::Telemetry::Sink::Handler

  # Bring TestBench's event classes into the class's namespace
  include TestBench::Session::Events

  handle TestFinished do |test_finished|
    result = test_finished.result ? 'pass' : 'failure'

    puts "Test finished. Result: #{result}"

# test/test_init.rb
telemetry_handler =

Re-Run Failed Tests

To have TestBench re-run failed test files, the failed test files are first printed to stdout. The list of failed test files will then be piped into the bench command.

The following script will run the test files contained in test/automated and print the names of files that have failed to stdout.


# script/

require 'test_bench'

class PrintFailedTestFiles
  include TestBench::Telemetry::Sink::Handler

  handle FileFinished do |file_finished|
    file = file_finished.file
    result = file_finished.result

    failed = result ? false : true

    STDOUT.puts(file) if failed



The output of the script is then piped to the bench command.

> ./script/ | bench

By replacing TestBench's output with an implementation that prints the test files that have failed, the script produces output that can be fed into bench. If all the tests pass the first time, bench won't re-run any failed test files, and will exit successfully.

Last Updated:
Contributors: Scott Bellware, Nathan Ladd